Exhaust Hood Cleaning for Food Trucks Tucson, Arizona


CRC Will Service Exhaust System in Food Trucks Whereas You Will Be Code Compliant

Food trucks are getting more popular everywhere especially in cities like Tucson; they are growing fast. With industry revenues up about 14 percent every year for the past six years, it has become more and more tempting for aspiring restaurateurs to try out new ideas in this mobile format. While a food truck does offer the ability to cut lots of the overhead costs you’d have with a brick and mortar restaurant, it also presents some of its own unique challenges. Varying health & permit requirements from town to town, parking struggles, bad weather, and truck maintenance issues can all take their toll, and an estimated 30 percent of new food truck businesses fail annually

Keep Your Food Truck Clean

Don’t be statistic keep your food truck kitchen hood clean. Make sure your fire suppression system is also 100% functional and code compliant a grease fire in a food truck would be catastrophic Food trucks offer full menus including; including grilled, fried and even baked foods it is imperative your equipment is functioning properly.  The system must be fully operational i.e. exhaust hoods, vents, and fans move greasy air out of the cooking area before it can collect in the form a source a fuel or  residue that could potentially be the cause of a fire hazard and health Hazard.

Cleaning Resource Center Can Service Every Type of Food Truck.

We will keep the kitchen exhaust systems clean and safe with a complete hood exhaust cleaning service. We are well aware most food truck exhaust hood systems are small; we know how to achieve maximum cleaning.  Let us set you up on a regular schedule for food truck cleaning and fire suppression system servicing. We can schedule this is off hours so we do not interfere in your revenue collecting hours  

We can provide deep steam cleaning on your equipment in any food truck too.  This detail type of cleaning with our specific type of equipment lets us reach greasy areas you can’t. Sometimes specialized machines can do better in hard to reach tight quarters that can’t be reached by hand. Whether or not you will want us to provide this service for your food truck depends on whether you have the time and equipment to do it professionally

Fire Extinguishers need to be securely mounted within easy reach of your cooking surfaces to help suppress any grease fires that may break out outside of the exhaust hood

CRC can help prevent fires in your food truck with optimum cleaning service.


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