Experienced in Cleaning Captive Aire and Halton Pollution Control Units (PCU) in Tucson, AZ


Pollution Control Units (PCU’s) are designed for the removal of grease particles and reduction of smoke from the air stream of commercial kitchen exhaust systems. They can also help neutralize unwanted airborne odors and the bacteria that cause them. With the growing number of clean air regulations there are more restaurants and businesses installing PCUs to their kitchen exhaust systems.

These systems are great, but just like any other kitchen exhaust system, it will require cleanings. PCU systems generally require that the disposable filters be exchanged every six month, which makes for a good time to clean all of the surrounding cavities.  

If you have a Captive Aire or Halton Pollution Control Unit PCU in need of expert cleaning in the Tucson area contact the Cleaning Resource Center; we may be able to help you with your other cleaning or fire safety needs. Contact us at 877.454.6790 or CRC@cleaningresourcecenter.com.

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